Saturday, 5 April 2008

Woohoo - its the weekend

I managed 2 full days at work on Thursday and Friday, and I spent today in bed recovering. I finally feel like I am beating this thing, the one good thing to come of it is that I now feel a lot closer to my son Bailey. During my days in bed he would come and sit beside me and chat and play and sometimes sleep beside me, which was so nice. These are moments we don't often get together.

This week we did manage to send out half of the DT stamps and hopefully after our delivery on Tuesday we will be able to send out the other half. We have asked for all artwork to be in by the end of April as we are filming early in May. Shall I tell you what the theme is? Maybe later!

This week I also managed to finish all pages for the catalogue. There are just a few pages with my computer guy being transferred into the right format and then we are good to go, so hopefully we will have everything with the printer by the end of the week - this has been one mammoth task, I just hope you think it was worth it when you receive your copy.

I haven't posted any photos for a while so this week I will make it my mission to put some images up here for you - not sure what they will be yet!

Remember those Earth shoes I bought and wore at the NEC. Well I loved them so much I bought a second pair (they had a sale over Easter), these ones look just like a regular pair of white trainers. I haven't even managed to try them on as they were delivered while I was off but I shall be wearing them on Monday when we start running around and getting ready for Alexandra Palace.

If you've never been to Alexandra Palace, I think it is a wonderful building and so wish they could restore the rest of it. As a teenager I used to go ice skating there and spent many summer days lazing on the grassy hill below the Palace. I used to love going there so much that we even looked at it for a wedding venue - talking of which can you believe this September will be my 10th wedding anniversary. I am definitely starting to feel old. Why is it this year people keep asking me how old I am, the honest answer is 'I don't know', I know the year I was born and most times have to work it out with a calculator, I have had so many birthdays that I've lost count - age is just a number, isn't it? I know, I know, I am still relatively young, I just don't feel 21 anymore. Gone are the days when my 21st felt like yesterday and when my biggest stress was getting to work on time.

1 comment:

Kaz said...

glad you're recovering, sounds like a terrible time for you. good that your son was so nice though....aaaaaww that is nice to read.
hope you're fully recovered real soon. x