Saturday, 26 January 2019

Flying off . . .

By the time this is published I will be on my way to the airport.
I am flying off to Creative World in Frankfurt in search of new and wonderful products.

This will be a few very long days (for those of you with Fitbits I could easily be doing 30,000 steps per day).
But the bad news is that MBT have lost my favourite shoes! :(
I love MBTs, they make the world of difference to my back pain (it's complicated but the long and the short of it - my pelvis is tilted which compresses my spine plus I have hypermobility in some joints such as my ankles so the extra support in MBTs is vital to my feet, my posture and keeping my back pain at bay for hours longer than any other pair of shoes I have ever found).

My favourite MBTs were making a strange cracking noise inside the sole so they asked me to send them back so they could investigate but now they can't find them.  It is possible they handed them to DHL and they lost them but I'm still waiting to hear.
Luckily I have 2 other pairs but 1 of these I am still breaking in, obviously it is my favourite and most comfortable pair that have gone missing.

Despite all that, hopefully I will find lots of new products, ideas and techniques
and catch up with friends (of course).

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